Republican Lawmakers in Congress Are Demanding Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to Resign

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas continues to politicize the border. This is something that conservatives have long slammed him for.

Critics say that Mayorkas is more concerned with other political interests than actually solving the issues at the border.

Republicans Want Mayorkas to Resign

Smugglers, migrants, and many Republican lawmakers say the border is open. However, Mayorkas says the border is closed and secure. 

In an interview with The Dallas Morning News Secretary, Mayorkas said, “The political crisis that the border is open is music to the smugglers’ ears. They take that political rhetoric and they market it.”

Now we have millions of illegal migrants crossing the border… and Mayorkas has done nothing about it. Many Republican lawmakers in Congress are demanding he resigns.

However, Mayorkas told the Dallas Morning News that he has no intention of resigning. The demo-rat said, “I’ve got a lot of work to do, and I intend to continue to do it. That’s my response,” Mayorkas told the Dallas Morning News editorial board Friday.

Fox News host, Tyrus, shared his opinion on why Mayorkas needs to step down as Homeland Security Secretary. He said, “Mayorkas is not an honorable man and he should be fired. He represents the worst. This man should have been fired, but I guess he’s not gonna get fired because our president backed him up. But my thing is when we get the house when we get the Senate this should be the first order of business.”

He added, “I mean, the only place we can get the truth from is the criminals. If you want to go on the border as a smuggler. They’ll say, ‘It’s wide open.’ That’s the only honest thing you’re gonna get. Shame on Mayorkas.”

The Dems Want to Continue Politicizing the Border

Fox News Contributor, Charlie Hurt, also emphasized how the liberals are purposely ignoring the border crisis… because they want to politicize it. He said, “These people will politicize anything if they think that they can take it to their advantage. Whether it’s border security,  the children and families… that are making this trip to the border. Whether it’s race relations in this country. They will politicize absolutely anything and divide people.”

Mayorkas, including the other dems, are focusing on less trivial things to divert their attention from the borders. Hurt added, “Instead of worrying about the optics, fix the border. Fix the border and then the optics will fix themselves… but they don’t want to. They want the political issue.”

Hurt also stated how committed Republicans are to fixing the border. He said, “One thing you can’t hit Republicans for is not trying to fix the border. They tried to fix this. And every time they would bring forward proposals to fix the problem at the border, they will get killed, of course, from both sides.” 

Then he added, “The reason Republicans were never able to fix this problem is that people like Dick Durbin, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Ted Kennedy, they didn’t want to fix the problem, because it was such a great political issue for them.”
Why is it that dems never take responsibility for their actions? It seems in everything they do wrong, they point their fingers at President Trump and the Republican Party.

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One Thought to “Republican Lawmakers in Congress Are Demanding Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas to Resign”

  1. […] Alejandro Mayorkas, the Department of Homeland Security Secretary, needs to put more effort into our borders.  […]

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